The history of diamonds
The precious diamond, drawn from the depths of the earth and both enchanting and captivating, is a remarkable symbol of enduring love. For thousands of years people have been mesmerised and encapsulated by the beauty of diamonds.
First discovered in India around 2500 years ago between the Godavari and Krishna rivers, diamonds were believed to be far more mystical than what we know them to be today. Symbolising strength and power, Hindus believed they were a creation made from lightening striking the rocks, and they possessed magical God-given qualities such as healing powers and protection.
The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that diamonds made them invincible, gifting them the Greek name ‘adamas’, which translates to ‘invincible’, ‘indestructible’ and ‘untamed’. The highly valued gemstone was worn as octahedral gems prior to the discovery of diamond cutting. The Greek glazed themselves in diamonds during battle, with the belief they would be granted with protection and increased strength by wearing the precious stone.
Formed three billion years ago, diamonds are a solid form of the element carbon. When carbon deposits from the centre of the earth are subject to intense heat and pressure, diamonds are created. It can take a matter of days to millions of years for carbon to crystalise and form a diamond. Coloured diamonds can be caused if there’s a chemical interference during the formation process.
The use of diamonds for an engagement ring was first recorded when Archduke Maximillian of Austria proposed to Mary of Burgundy in the year 1477. This began the beloved tradition that was then adopted by elites and eventually popularised universally in the 1900’s.